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Chocolate , Was Able To Make Us Stay Young

Chocolate , Was Able To Make Us Stay YoungChocolate , who did not like this food. The taste is sweet and delicious to make many people like it. Either in the form of chocolate bars, cake, drinks, up to a variation in the content of cakes, snacks and sweets still good for consumption. Chocolate is not only delicious but also healthy. According to studies ever, chocolate can make the young

because of cocoa as a base for a nutritious chocolate contains flavonols improve the function of the brain and inhibit aging. In addition, flavanols may also facilitate the circulation of blood to the brain and effective enough to cure the damage to blood vessels. As quoted by Media Indonesia of the site webMD said that cocoa contains flavanols that help maintain healthy blood vessel function, maintain the youthfulness of the blood vessels lowers risk of high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, kidney disease, and madness.

However, there are more recent studies such as written stating that eating a little chocolate every day could actually reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke by 40%. German researchers conducted research on nearly 20,000 people over the past 8 years, by sending out questionnaires about their diet and exercise habits.The result, the researchers found that people who ate about six grams of chocolate per day - or about one piece of a bar of chocolate - have 39 percent lower chance of heart attack or stroke risk. The results of even this study were published in European Heart Journal.

In say, chocolate contains antioxidants and flavanols can improve the function of cells in the blood and reduce cholesterol and the risk of chemical substances that can trigger heart disease, cancer, and lung. While flavanols itself is a natural substance found in many vegetables, green tea and red wine is good for the smooth blood vessels. In a study in Zutphen, the Netherlands carried out for 15 years, in 472 healthy men who did not take blood pressure medication with a range of ages between 65-84. Men who consumed cocoa, whether it's in confectionery products, drinks or puddings have lower blood pressure and about 50 percent avoid the risk of death.

The average man consumes 10 grams of chocolate per day. In fact, from 1985 to 2000, approximately 314 men died, while the men who consumed cocoa tend to have higher life expectancy than those who never consume chocolate at all.

And not only that, a small study in Germany found that women who regularly drank hot chocolate with a high content of antioxidants and flavanols have skin that is moist, smooth and not too sensitive to sunlight. So, in fact the women do not have great difficulty in applying cream to her skin in layers.

For pregnant women, chocolate was nutritious. A study at the University of Helsinki, Finland involving 300 pregnant women who ate chocolate every day. Then, after 6 months the baby is born, the mother who ate chocolate reported that their infant more often show reactions such as smiling and laughing than mothers who do not eat chocolate. This effect could be triggered by a substance in chocolate that is always associated with positive mood and get to the baby while still in the womb.

There is again a study that found theobromine, a substance found in cocoa are more effective than cure prolonged cough cough medicine that is widely known. So, why not eat chocolate?

(source:from many sources)


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