You want a successful pregnancy? Perform This Sex Position.Sex position to have an important role in successful pregnancy program. With the right position, the pregnancy was successfully achieved.
Get a baby in her married life is a dream couple. Unfortunately, often from those who are difficult to obtain pregnancy. If you include in it, try to review again a factor that inhibit your desire it. It may be that sex is not the right position to be the cause.
Some sex positions are believed to have contributed to produce a pregnancy. The experts feel that if you have sex using positions that keep sperm inside the vagina for longer, most likely you will get pregnant, as reported by the Times of India.
In general, most of the couples happy and comfortable with the missionary position. This position is itself considered to be the best for several reasons. First, it allows the deepest penetration because the sperm will be placed right next to the opening of the uterus. Second, because he is above that allows the sperm will not leak.
Another style that helps you increase your chances of getting pregnant is doggy style, where the women are on all fours and the man to penetrate her from behind. In this style, the sperm will be placed right next to the cervix. If a couple are overweight and you feel this uncomfortable position, switch positions with lying side by side. But you need to remember that being relaxed in the enjoyment of this very important position.
Meanwhile, a position which gives a small chance of getting pregnant is when you have sex standing up, sitting, or the woman on top position. This position does not allow the sperm to stay inside the vagina for a long time.
In fact, doctors recommend placing a pillow under your hips to help tilt the pelvis because it will keep the sperm deeper.
(source : translate from
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